



bet亚洲365欢迎投注的生物项目, offering degrees 生物医学 和 生物学, with concentrations in Human 生物学 or the Biological 科学s, is designed to help you take your passion 和 turn it into a successful, 有意义的未来. Our natural resources of the Hudson River 和 local community combined with our state-of-the-art technological resources 和 expert faculty create a learning environment unlike any other for our 生物学, 生物医学科学, 和人类生物学学生. 

Take Your Pick: 生物学 和 生物医学科学

The 生物学 Department at Marist offers the B.S. in 生物学 with two exciting concentrations, Biological 科学s 和 Human 生物学, as well as the B.S. 生物医学. With multiple programs of study to choose from, we ensure that your interests 和 goals for your future are engrained in your curriculum:

Our small class sizes allow students to develop strong professional relationships with faculty that persist beyond graduation. Even in your first-year classes, you will never be just a number. You can expect personalized attention from all of your professors, answering questions outside of regular class time 和 office hours, 和 extra review sessions prior to major exams. Meet a few of the 生物学 faculty below, or view all 生物学 faculty members > 


Meaningful 本科研究 as Early as First Year

While field research 和 faculty-student research may be reserved for graduate students at other institutions, at Marist we believe engaging in h和s-on research with field experts is essential to the undergraduate learning experience. 作为一名圣母生物学的学生,你会 conducting research in the field as early as your first year.

Research Spotlight: Marist students conduct h和s-on research with the 纽约 状态 Department of Environmental Conservation Hudson River Estuary 程序 和 the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve on migratory eels in the Hudson River 和 changes in eel pigmentation.


在许多大学里, study abroad opportunities are hard to come by for science students because of the rigidity of the curriculum. 作为一名火星生物学的学生, 然而, we incorporate your curriculum into exciting study abroad attachment programs which allow you to see the world 和 gain h和s-on learning experience, all while completing your academic requirements. 开始做某事 法国显微术课程 ——世界就是你的教室!

As a 生物学 or 生物医学科学 student at Marist, you’ll be strongly encouraged or required to complete at least one internship in your desired field. Whether you are looking for a health-related internship or a biological internship out in the field, we’ll work closely with you to determine the best internship for your future career goals. Here are just a few examples of internships our students have completed:

Logos of 生物学 internship locations: Harvard Medical School, 生物圈2号, 纪念斯隆·凯特琳癌症中心, 加里生态系统研究所
Logos of 生物学 internship locations: National Institutes of Health, 哈德逊中部地区医院, 中央哈德逊, 国家公园管理局

在她的圣母生涯中, Sayegh has amassed significant experience working with patients in a healthcare setting. 在夏天和休息的时候, she worked as a unit aide at a 护理 home in nearby Fishkill, 和 she also volunteered at a surgery center in Cornwall. 在后者, she had the opportunity to help the nurses with post-operative care 和 observe surgery. Sayegh also earned college credit for her work in the Mid-Hudson Medical Center emergency room, an internship arranged for her by Lecturer of 生物学, 艾米·卡希尔. 最后, she gained additional training at the BioSkills Lab in 纽约 City, learning to suture 和 practicing surgery using cadavers. 补充她的实践经验, Sayegh参与了, 一个专业的, 男女同校前健康兄弟会.


As a Marist 生物学 or 生物医学科学 student, your postgraduate opportunities are endless. While many students gain immediate employment in their field in areas like 生物技术或制药研究, the majority of our graduates pursue postgraduate education to become doctors, physician assistants, physical therapists, dentists, nurses, or veterinarians. 其他人继续赚钱 doctoral or master's degrees in the biological sciences. Whatever your postgraduate goals are, you can achieve them after Marist. Here are a few examples of top-tier graduate schools that our students attend:

Logos of 生物学 graduate school locations: Cornell University School of Veterinary Medicine, Duke University Graduate 程序 in Physical Therapy, 新英格兰验光学院, University of 维吉尼亚州 Graduate 程序 in Physical Therapy, 天普大学牙科学院
Logos of graduate school locations: Albany Medical College Graduate 程序 in Immunology, University of 佛罗里达 College of Medicine, 天普大学牙科学院, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine

I’ve presented research at conferences on the impacts that different communities’ structures, 包括收入, 人口密度, 和 l和 use have on the amount 和 type of microplastics found in nearby tributaries. I’ve been really fortunate at Marist to actually get these opportunities.


环境科学与政策 Major, 生物学 Minor

Read Ian's Story >

作为一名医学预科生, 我的课程安排很严格, but still time to explore 和 do different exciting things. I even declared a minor in psychology which is something that I didn’t even know I was interested in until I got here.


Biomedical 科学 Major, 心理学 Minor

Read Joseph's Story >

The combination of science classes 和 involvement in the Celebration of 本科研究, 奖学金, 和 Creative Activity (CURSCA) really marked my first foray into the world of the research sciences. These experiences set me on the path to the career I have today.



Read Kadeine's Story >

I chose to transfer to Marist for several reasons, one of the most important being that Marist has such dedicated faculty 和 staff who really take the time to get know us as people. 和, not only do you get a picturesque view of the Hudson River when you are on campus, but when I got to see the laboratories 和 science classrooms on campus, 这真的敲定了交易.


Dual Major Biomedical 科学 和 医疗技术

Read Katie's Story >

Sophomore year Organic 化学 gave me the confidence to pursue a career in science because Organic 化学 was considered the course that would deter students from ever majoring in the sciences. 害怕, 我从第一天起就全力以赴, 和 this created the good study habits that I maintained over the rest of my college career.



Read Terrence's Story >

I know some people think that being in a lab is kind of stuffy 和 you don’t really get to know anyone, but there’s a really big group environment. It felt like I was doing something important. You don’t think that what you’re doing in undergrad might be seen by an international audience, 但这是可能的.


Dual Major 生物医学科学 和 生物化学

Read Carolyn's Story >

99% of students in the 理学院 are employed or in graduate school within 6 months of graduation.


84.1%的火星生物学, 生物医学科学, 和预科生, who are supported by the pre-health committee, 被医学院录取了吗, 而全国平均水平是40%.


根据Data USA, the average annual wage for biology degree recipients is over $108,这一数字还在以近5%的速度增长.


在圣母, we pride ourselves on our dedication to providing our students with a well-rounded liberal arts education that prepares them for practical experience 和 profound success in their field. But don't just take our word for it - the numbers speak for themselves.


Of current students are satisfied with their Marist Experience


Graduation rate, higher than the average for public 和 private colleges


Employed or attending grad school 6 months after graduation



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